ADR Master 3 - Knowledge Base

How to use TTAL with ADR Master

This chapter explains how the Timed Text Authoring Lineage file format (TTAL) developed by Netflix, is used with ADR Master at every stage of the Language Reversioning process.

The steps that are not specific to TTAL are described more broadly, as all the general ADR Master functions are described in detail in their relevant chapters. Where necessary, please refer to these in conjunction with this chapter.

Importing a Transcribed & Authored Original Language TTAL file supplied directly from Netflix or Production

Create a new ADR Master Project.

Drag and drop the video file to the empty video track in timeline while holding down the Command key to snap the start point to the embedded timecode.

If the file does not have embedded timecode, double click the file & set the correct start point in the Properties window.

This automatically sets the correct Timeline frame rate which can be seen in the Timeline Tab window.

The Video must always be imported to the timeline first to ensure that events are imported to their correct positions relative to the Timeline frame rate.

Import the TTAL file from File -> Import Events.

In the Import Visual Events From File window that appears next, make sure that the setting If no Event Type Column is Present, Import Event as: is set to ADR Cue.

Check that the Text Encoding field is set to UTF-8.

Click on the Import Events To Timeline button at the bottom of the window.

If set correctly in the supplied TTAL file, this also sets the correct Language in the Timeline details.

Label the Timeline.

If the Language field has not already been set by the TTAL file on import, set this manually here.

Add the Picture Version & Reel/Episode info.

Set the FFOA (First Frame Of Action).

The FFOA setting will be used to set the start of the Timeline when exported to TTAL at the end of the process.

Language Reversioning / Adaptation Process

Duplicate the Timeline. Select the duplicate & rename it.

Set the new language.

Show the Event List. Click on the first Event, play it & translate the Text field.

Continue this for all events.

Exporting a TTAL file

Go to File -> Export -> Batch Export Events.

In the Batch Event Export window, make sure that All Events is selected under Events to Export in the General box at the top.

Select the relevant Timeline in the Timelines box in the middle of the window.

Select Netflix TTAL (.ttal) in the Formats box at the bottom of the window.

Click the Continue button & then the Export button.

Choose a name & destination & hit the Save button.

Bold / italic formatting Text is supported.

Importing and recording a TTAL file in an ADR Recording Studio

Create a new ADR Master Project.

Import the Video

Import the TTAL file as discussed in the Importing a Transcribed & Authored Original Language TTAL file supplied directly from Netflix or Production section earlier.

Set the DAW Track Naming Preference.

Set the Filter to the actor being recorded.

Select the first event in the Event List.

Hit Command + F3 to record.

Record all events.

Export an updated TTAL file at the end of the recording process.

Editing the script to match the final chosen & edited performance.

After the ADR edit is complete & approved, import the relevant translated TTAL file used in the recording process.

Play each event and modify the text where necessary to fit the final edited or dubbed version.

Repeat the process for all required languages.

Export the final TTAL file & supply this to Netflix / Production.